
What we're up to

And The Results Are In!

And the Results are In! FAO UN/4-H Food Preservation Prize Giving Awards 4-H Culinary Excellence On

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4-H County Caroni Fun Day 2024

4-H County Caroni Funday 2024: A Day of Fun, Sports, and Camaraderie. Written by Ms. Laura Ram The T

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4-HTT meets in Tobago, May 2024

4-HTT meets in Tobago, May 2024   The 4-H General Meeting in Tobago was a remarkable event held

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The 4-H Club

The 4-H programme is an educational one which integrates the knowledge gained through learning and practising skills with the development of sound personalities and positive attitudes and values in its members.

The 4-H Club provides a series of educational, economic, social and recreational experiences through which members, with help from parents, interested adults and voluntary leaders experience personal growth as they develop responsible citizenship and essential skills for living.

4-H T&T at a glance






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