
4-H Nariva/ Mayaro Beach Cleanup 2023

Two hundred and fifty members of 4-H Nariva / Mayaro, Victoria, St. Andrews, and St. David counties embarked upon a Beach Cleanup exercise at the famous Mayaro Beach on Saturday 30th September 2023 from as early as 6 am. Among these young 4-Hers and their parents were members of MALF, Oasis Circle of Support, and React Nariva/Mayaro who co-ordinated the logistics of this beach clean-up which began at Church Street and concluded at Beaumont Street. The purpose of such an exercise was to bring about ‘Awareness of keeping our Environment Clean’.

Ready, set, go… During the 9-mile stretch, 4-Hers engaged in the collection of items such as glass and plastic bottles, Styrofoam plates and cups, baby diapers, and other debris with the weirdest being a toothbrush. Approximately, one (1) tonne of garbage was weighed and collected by the Regional Corporation.

4-H Nariva / Mayaro County President, Mr. Marvin Clarke, and County Co-ordinator, Mrs. Crystal Seunarine wish to thank all Voluntary leaders, 4-Hers, parents, Member of Parliament, Mr. Ruston Paray, Chairman of the Rio Claro/ Mayaro Co-operation, Members of staff at MALF, Oasis Circle of Support, React Nariva/ Mayaro, Sergeant of Mayaro Rapid Response Unit, Mr. Sunil Samlal for Police Patrol and Mr.  Poolchan Sudama registered farmer for your contributions towards making this event a success. 4-Hers expressed happiness to be a part of such an exercise, as some said, it felt like a Treasure Hunt. They made a huge request to all patrons of Mayaro Beach and others across the country:

Please, Keep Our Country Clean”.

Article by Ms. Lidya Rampersad

about author - Elizabeth Theodore
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