
Rest in eternal peace, Mr. Alvin Stanton Romeo.

It is with deep sorrow and heartfelt sympathy that we, the 4-H Leaders Council of Trinidad and Tobago, extend our condolences to the family of Alvin Stanton Romeo, the Barbados Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security, and the Barbados 4-H Foundation on the passing of a devoted employee and valued member of the Greenwich Community. In times of loss, words often fall short of capturing the depth of our emotions. However, we wish to express our profound sorrow and share in the collective grief of all those who knew and cherished him. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends, the entire Barbados agricultural community, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security, and the Barbados 4-H Foundation as you navigate through this difficult time. The impact of the loss is not only felt by colleagues and associates but reverberates throughout the broader community, leaving a void that will be deeply felt by all. Mr. Romeo’s dedication to the Greenwich Community and his contributions to the agricultural sector will forever be remembered and cherished.

As President of 4-H Trinidad and Tobago, I embarked on an outreach program in 2023, targeting 4-H Directors across the Caribbean. Mr. Alvin Romeo was the first person I contacted, and he was eager to meet, exchange ideas, and see how we could work together to continue to grow 4-H across the islands.  Last June, I connected with the 4-H team led by Alvin and, of course, his lovely wife Julienne. Alvin was a soft-spoken, warm gentleman. We spent the day visiting a few schools and meeting some awesome VLs and students. The teachers spoke highly of Alvin, and they were thankful for his assistance with their projects. Later that day, as we sat for lunch,  looking at Alvin and Julienne, I couldn’t help but marvel at the undeniable connection and closeness they shared. They finished each other’s sentences and had that general ‘young love’ vibe. Their generosity even caused me to check my carry-on as luggage because I was presented with several treats that were prepared by 4-H Barbados. Upon my return to Trinidad, we continued discussing future partnerships between 4-H Trinidad and Tobago and the 4-H Barbados Foundation. Only last November, we began formalizing the Caribbean 4-H Council, and Alvin accepted the post of Secretary.

Alvin’s passion, hard work, and commitment have undoubtedly left an indelible mark on the hearts of those he worked with and the community he served. During this challenging period, may the collective strength of your team provide comfort and support to one another. As you mourn the loss of your esteemed colleague, please know that the 4-H Leaders Council of Trinidad and Tobago stands in solidarity with you. May cherished memories of Alvin Stanton Romeo bring solace to your hearts, and may you find strength in the support of each other as you navigate through this difficult time. Please accept the sincere condolences of the 4-H Leaders Council of Trinidad and Tobago and by extension the Caribbean 4-H Council. May your soul rest in eternal peace and rise in glory, Alvin Stanton Romeo.

Condolence Message from the President of the 4-H Leaders Council of Trinidad and Tobago, Mrs. Natasha Lee.

about author - Elizabeth Theodore
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