
And the Results are In!

FAO UN/4-H Food Preservation Prize Giving Awards 4-H Culinary Excellence

On June 6th, 2024, the Couva/Point Lisas Chamber of Commerce was abuzz with excitement for the FAO UN/4-H Food Preservation Competition Prize Giving Ceremony.  4-H Clubs from the eight counties—Caroni, St. George East, St. George West, Victoria, St. Andrew/St. David, Nariva/Mayaro, St. Patrick East, and St. Patrick West—gathered and received their participation certificates and food preservation buttons for their efforts in the food preservation competition held on April 24th, 2024.

The event saw enthusiastic participation from various stakeholders who lauded the grandeur and organization of the competition. Representatives from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO UN), including Program Assistant Ms. Janelle Joe, were present. Also in attendance were Mr. Farook Hosein, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, Land, and Fisheries, and representatives from the Ministry of Youth Development and National Service (MYDNS) and the Ministry of Education (MOE).

The competition showcased diversity and innovation of value-added agriculture products that impressed the judges. From sugary sweets, jams, and jellies to dehydrated foods, pickled goodies, flour-based products, and salted meats, the creativity and research skills of the 4-H members were evident. The judges, reporting on their exhilarating experience, were particularly enthusiastic about the variety and quality of the entries.

Mrs. Lee, President of the 4-H Leaders Council of Trinidad and Tobago, announced the eagerly awaited results, sparking joyous reactions from the audience. The Young Farmers from Penal Presbyterian Primary School captured the coveted first prize in the primary schools’ category, followed by the Greenzees from Exchange R. C. in second place, and the Green Thumb Planters from Santa Maria R. C. in third.

In the secondary schools category, the Agristers from Williamsville Secondary secured the first prize. WES4G from Five Rivers Secondary came in second, Gems of Northeastern from Northeastern College were third, and Nature Knights from Mayaro Secondary were fourth.

Interestingly, many prizes awarded included advanced cookware and kitchen gadgets, possibly hinting at future 4-H competitions involving culinary skills. Could “4-H Cook Off or 4-H Bubble a Pot” be the next exciting challenge for these young agricultural enthusiasts?

The 4-H Leaders Council of Trinidad and Tobago extends heartfelt congratulations to all the participating 4-H clubs and their voluntary leaders. Special thanks are extended to the esteemed judges: Dr. Lisa Harrynanan from the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture, Dr. Ronald Hamilton from Rennie’s Orphanage and Animal Rescue, Chef Colin Mohammed from the American Culinary Federation Trinidad Chapter, Mrs. Ann-Marie Gajar de Cedeno from NAMDEVCO and Mr. Ramdeo Boondoo, Chaconia Gold Medal Winner and affectionately called the “Sweet Potato King”.

The event was a resounding success, highlighting the ingenuity and dedication of the 4-H community in Trinidad and Tobago. We look forward to seeing more innovative contributions and competitions in the future.

about author - Elizabeth Theodore
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