
4-HLCTT nomination for Youth Award


Written by: Mrs. Natasha Lee

On Thursday 21st September 2023, Mrs. Natasha Lee, President of the 4-H Leaders Council of Trinidad and Tobago (4-HLCTT) was privileged to attend the Ministry of Youth Development and National Service, National Youth Awards, 2023. Earlier that month, the organization was short-listed for excellence in the category, Most Outstanding Youth Organization.

It was an awe-inspiring event.  The ballroom at the Hyatt was filled with outstanding and amazing young people from throughout Trinidad and Tobago, who were being honoured for their remarkable contributions in various fields of endeavour.

Among the attendees were: Her Excellency Christine Carla Kangaloo ORTT, President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Minister of Youth Development and National Service, the Honourable Foster Cummings, Minister of National Security, the Honourable Fitzgerald Hinds and Minister of Public Utilities, the Honourable Marvin Gonzales.

Although the 4-H Leaders Council of Trinidad and Tobago did not leave with the first-place award, they were acknowledged for their contribution to youth development and  recognized as second runner up in their category, walking away with a letter of recognition and a tidy sum of, two thousand five hundred dollars.

When prompted as to why the 4-HLCTT should cop the top spot, President Natasha Lee shared, “I believe that 4-H represents Youth Excellence – Most Outstanding Youth Organisation because the 4Hs: Head, Heart, Hands and Health influence the holistic growth of our 4-Hers who range from ages eight to nineteen. They benefit from learning by doing. Some of our core values that are development by the 4-H program are self sustainably, environmental stewardship, patriotism, compassion, innovation and the use of technology. These are achieved by doing training and projects in creating vegetable gardens, food preservation, hydroponics, aquaponics, beach clean-up, recycling, poetry, community outreach, supporting the underprivileged, all at the primary and secondary school level.”

The 4-HLCTT would like to extend congratulations to the winners of the category, Most Outstanding Youth Organization, ‘Heroes Foundation’. Additionally, hats off to the winner Jahmali Samuel for his work in the field of Agriculture as he also emerged the night’s overall winner!

The 4-H Leaders Council of Trinidad and Tobago remains steadfast in its mission, ‘To make the best better’.



about author - Elizabeth Theodore
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